Formatting Content
Music Glue uses Markdown for text and HTML formatting. A range of ways that you can format your content is listed below. In addition, external services can be embedded with shortcodes.
Create a link by surrounding the link text in square brackets, followed immediately by the URL in parentheses:
[text to link](
You can add images if you have the image URL, but make sure it is on a https URL or you will get security warnings:
![alt text for image](
Bold and Italic
Italic: *example*
Bold: **example**
Bold & Italic: ***example***
First level heading (H1) # Title
Second level heading (H2) ## Title
Third level heading (H3) ### Title
Numbered lists
Any number (followed by a full stop and space):
1. Ordered list item
2. Ordered list item
3. Ordered list item
Bulleted lists
Add an asterisk (*) followed by a space:
* Bulleted list item
* Bulleted list item
* Bulleted list item
Horizontal rules
You can add a dividing line. To do so, add three or more hyphens on a line by themselves. For example:
If you want to type a formatting character and have it treated as text, type a backslash first. For example:
\** not bold text **